Retro games

Now 8bit with “Contra Force”

Recently, I have replenished my 8 bit collection of retro cartridges. Project from legendary studio “Konami Corporation” under the title “Contra Froce”.

I’m actually very happy to have this job as it has a pretty interesting history. This project was originally called “Arc Hound” and was canceled in the final stages of development, but the corporation decided to release a ready-made prototype for the North American market as a spin-off to the “Contra” series.

Rob Strangman’s and Hotaka’s picture.

My version is a remake, but at first glance, the pirates practically did not undergo changes. The only thing that was obviously changed is the number of lives’s character.

According to the archival documentation that I was able to study, the character should have been given 3 lives, but in my version I have 9

Despite the fact that the project has some problems to do with physics and funny flaws, I really liked it